Perunov Den, also known as Perun’s Day, is a holiday celebrated in some Slavic countries, particularly in Russia and Ukraine, on July 20. The holiday is dedicated to the god Perun, who is the Slavic god of thunder, lightning, storms, and war.

Perun was one of the most important gods in the Slavic pantheon and was believed to be a powerful and fearsome deity who could control the elements and protect his worshippers. He was often associated with the oak tree, which was considered a sacred symbol of strength and endurance.

On Perunov Den, people typically gather together to honor the god Perun and to celebrate the power and majesty of thunder and lightning. Traditional activities during the holiday might include lighting candles or torches, singing hymns and prayers, and performing dances or other rituals that are meant to evoke the power of the storm.

Perunov Den is also sometimes associated with the concept of justice and retribution, as Perun was believed to punish those who broke oaths or violated sacred laws. In some regions, the holiday is celebrated as a time of judgment, when people might confess their sins or ask for forgiveness from those they have wronged.

While Perunov Den is not as widely celebrated as some other Slavic holidays, it remains an important part of the cultural and spiritual heritage of many Slavic people, and it serves as a reminder of the power and significance of the natural world in Slavic mythology and belief.

Perunov Den, Perun’s day

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