In Norse mythology, Midgard is one of the Nine Worlds and is also known as “Middle Earth” or “Middle World”. It is the world of humans and is believed to be located at the center of the universe, surrounded by the ocean.

Midgard was created by the gods Odin, Vili, and Ve from the body of the giant Ymir, who was slain by the gods. The gods then used his body to create the earth, the sky, and the sea. Midgard is connected to Asgard, the realm of the gods, by a rainbow bridge called Bifröst.

According to Norse mythology, Midgard is constantly under threat from various mythical creatures and giants, who seek to destroy or enslave humanity. To protect Midgard, the gods established a guardian, Thor, who wields his mighty hammer Mjölnir to defend against these threats.

Overall, Midgard plays an important role in Norse mythology as the home of humanity and a battleground between the forces of good and evil.

Midgard, the human world

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