Hercules (also known as Heracles in Greek mythology) is a legendary hero from ancient Greek mythology who was known for his superhuman strength, courage, and prowess in battle.

According to myth, Hercules was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman named Alcmene. Because of his divine heritage, Hercules was blessed with incredible strength and endurance from birth. As he grew up, he became known for his bravery and his ability to overcome seemingly impossible tasks.

One of Hercules’ most famous accomplishments was his completion of the Twelve Labors, a series of tasks that he was assigned as punishment for killing his own wife and children in a fit of madness. These tasks included slaying the Nemean lion, capturing the Erymanthian boar, and cleaning the Augean stables.

Despite his superhuman abilities, Hercules was not invincible. He was often depicted as a flawed hero who struggled with his own mortality and his relationships with others. For example, he was tricked into wearing a poisoned shirt by his own wife, Deianira, and died a painful death.

Hercules, son of Zeus

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