Celtic neo-paganism is a modern spiritual movement that seeks to revive and reconstruct the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Celtic peoples. It is based on historical and archaeological research into the culture and religion of the Celts, as well as on inspiration and personal experience.

The beliefs and practices of Celtic neo-paganism can vary widely, but some common features include:

  1. Polytheism: Celtic neo-paganism is often characterized by the worship of a variety of gods and goddesses, who are associated with natural phenomena, animals, and other aspects of the world around us.
  2. Nature reverence: The natural world is seen as sacred and is often venerated in Celtic neo-paganism. This can include the worship of specific natural features, such as trees or rivers, or a more general sense of connection to the earth and the cycles of the seasons.
  3. Ritual and ceremony: Celtic neo-pagans often practice rituals and ceremonies to honor the gods and goddesses, as well as to mark significant moments in the seasonal and life cycles. These can include offerings, invocations, songs, and dances.
  4. Ancestor veneration: The ancestors are seen as important and are often honored in Celtic neo-paganism. This can include practices such as ancestor altars or offerings to one’s ancestors.
  5. Mythology and storytelling: The myths and stories of the ancient Celts are often a rich source of inspiration and guidance for modern Celtic neo-pagans.

Celtic neo-paganism has gained popularity in recent decades, particularly in Europe and North America. However, it is important to note that it is a modern spiritual movement, and that there is often limited historical information available about the religious practices of the ancient Celts. As a result, Celtic neo-paganism is often seen as a modern reinterpretation and reconstruction of the past, rather than an exact replication of ancient practices.

Celtic neo-paganism

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