Neo-paganism is a diverse movement that encompasses a wide range of different beliefs and practices. As such, there are no strict dogmas or set of beliefs that all neo-pagans must adhere to. However, there are certain principles and values that are often shared by many neo-pagan traditions.

Some of the most common principles and values within neo-paganism include:

  1. Nature worship: Many neo-pagan traditions place a strong emphasis on the natural world, and view nature as a source of divine inspiration and spiritual connection.
  2. Polytheism: Neo-paganism is often characterized by a belief in multiple gods and goddesses, each with their own unique personalities and attributes.
  3. Personal responsibility: Neo-paganism often emphasizes personal responsibility for one’s own spiritual growth and development. This can involve practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and self-improvement.
  4. Eclectic spirituality: Many neo-pagans draw on a variety of different spiritual traditions and practices, and may incorporate elements from different cultures and belief systems into their own practice.
  5. Ethics and morality: Neo-paganism often places a strong emphasis on ethical behavior and social responsibility. This can involve promoting values such as respect for others, environmental stewardship, and social justice.

While there are no strict dogmas or set of beliefs within neo-paganism, these principles and values often serve as guiding principles for many practitioners. However, it’s important to note that these principles can vary widely depending on the specific tradition or group, and individual beliefs and practices can vary widely even within the same tradition.

Is neo-paganism dogmatic?

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